intp vs intj socionics

INTJ vs INTP How you can spot the difference. Subscribe for more MBTI videos on my channel.
Enneagram typing is more difficult than MBTI. I do not think that any test online is <--5w6 Split down the middle on your dividing line, there. I'm driven by
In a nutshell: INTJ's hate competition INTP's are apathetic toward competition Note: as INTJ's are stubborn and don't like changing their personality types
intp vs intj socionics
IntjEnneagram type 6 and the INTP
Are INTJs smarter than INTPs on the whole ?I came across these interesting statistics No, I'd say you guys are dumber. Maybe. Who cares? The only major study
INTJ Personality Theory Comparison - INTJ.
How to tell apart INTJ vs INTP - YouTube
Jung’s original work on Psychological type was adapted into several other personality theories. These theories are often blurred together in internet discussions
How to tell apart INTJ vs INTP - YouTube
INTJ Personality Theory Comparison - INTJ.
As an INTJ, you are Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging. This makes your primary focus on Introverted Thinking with an Extraverted Intution.