whoppers and lies

The Seven Biggest Economic Lies - Reader.
Although 2009 was not an election year, it kept us exceptionally busy, and led to millions of visits to our site. In this year-end summary, we offer some of the worst
It is said that if a lie is repeated often enough and loudly enough, people will come to believe it. That isn’t necessarily so. A real whopper may never be believed

whoppers and lies
whoppers and lies
Saggy Whopperswhopper - definition of whopper by the.
– publishing at the speed of light Light Publications: Winner 2009 Best of Providence Award in the Publishing category by the US Commerce Association*
With only days to go until Election Day 2012, we look here at the most egregiously false and misleading claims from the entire presidential campaign. Some examples
['Demagogues through history have known that big lies, repeated often enough, start being believed - unless they're rebutted. These seven economic whoppers are just
FactCheck.org : Whoppers of 2009
hoot | 'toon | comment | features | today's news | writers | bushreport | us | contact | IRAQ LIES | In the Bush administration "the negation of truth is so systematic.
whop·per (hw p r, w p-) n. Slang. 1. Something exceptionally big or remarkable. 2. A gross untruth. [From whopping.] whopper [ˈwɒpə] n Informal. 1. anything
FactCheck.org : Whoppers of 2009
whopper - definition of whopper by the.
Women -- along with a handful of undecided voters -- are pretty much going to decide this thing come November 6. The gender gap is at historic highs, and if solely
Top 6 Lies Romney Has Told Women in an.
FactCheck.org : Whoppers of 2012, Final.
Bush Lies...
FactCheck.org : Whoppers of 2009 .